
bike culture, vintage

Luciano Berruti, ¡hasta siempre!.

«Hoy es un día triste. Luciano Berruti, uno de los estandartes del ciclismo clásico actual, ha fallecido cerca de su localidadnatal Cosseria, a los 73 años de edad. Con su bigote, su indumentaria y su bicicleta se convirtió en la imagen de la Eroica en todo el mundo. Con su carisma, simpatía y pasión nos

bike culture, freak, punk, vintage

Vegetarian Cycling Club

The first official meeting of the Vegetarian Cycling Club was held in October 1888 in London, at the Central Vegetarian Restaurant in Farringdon. In 1891 it’s headquarters were listed as being at The Vegetarian Hotel, Charing Cross, London. It is a common misconception that vegetarianism is a relatively new movement. In fact it was created

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