

Bicycle Messengers

› Dir: Joshua Frankel Animated Bicycle messengers weave between the live action streets of New York City, highlighting the peculiar relationship between messengers and the contemporary city in which they operate. — Animado de ciclistas mensajeros que viven la acción de las calles de Nueva York destacando la relación entre los mensajeros y la gran […]

bike culture, Eventos, video

Camino a Ossa

Untitled from andres a on Vimeo. Excelente corto-documental que se proyectó durante el 11 avenidas 2010. Como diría Kortatu, muy constructivo, inspirador y educativo. Fotos del 11 avenidas aquí mismo

bike culture, video

Final Teaser

This is our final short before releasing the full length. Empire is a video about people having fun riding track bikes and fixed gears in the city.

bike culture, video

Birth Of Big Air Trailer

It’s about time Mat Hoffman’s story was told and now it has been done by just the right people. Directed by longtime friend Jeff Tremaine and produced by Priya Swaminathan, Spike Jonze, and Mark Lewman, the film pays tribute to this BMX legend. It includes interviews with supporters and fans, like Evel Knievel. This film

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