bike art

bike art, books, fotografía

South Africans Bicycle Portraits

The Bicycle Portraits project was initiated by Stan Engelbrecht (Cape Town, South Africa) and Nic Grobler (Johannesburg, South Africa) early in 2010. Whenever they can, together or separately, they’re on the lookout for fellow commuters, and people who use bicycles as part of their everyday work, to meet and photograph. They’re finding out who rides

bike art, fotografía, freak, Rarest of rare


Part of a 50-foot tall, 30,000 tonne steel sculpture that dominates the A64 autoroute rest stop near Tarbes, France. Within sight of the Pyrenees, this installation celebrates the savage hauls that Tour rider endure over many of the nearby mountain cols during the world largest sporting event. The Cat on a bike is a sculpture

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