don’t steal bikes!
Bike Thief vs Street Justice from triple on Vimeo. Aunque más vale prevenir que curar: Vibration Activated bike Anti-Thief Security Alarm
Pita si te gustan las bicis
Chronicles the history and development of the «Critical Mass» bicycle movement– one of the most spirited and dynamic social/political movements of the apathetic 90’s. In over 200 cities in 14 different countries, Critical Mass has now become a monthly ritual of reclaiming the streets by bicycle activists riding en masse. (We aren’t blocking traffic,) We
Murder at the Hamburg Velodrome. flickr fotos y documentos viejunos
Programa del evento VIERNES 11 DE JUNIO 19:00 – Pre-inscripción 11 Avenidas en el taller de Ciclos Noviciado 21:00 – Bici + Cerveza = Pasabares por Madrid. Sprints, footdown y trackstands a medida que discurra la noche SABADO 12 de JUNIO 13:00 – Montaje de Exposición de Fotografía en Lalivingstone + Pintada de la Fachada
Sung Kug Kim
These chrome-plated Bi-King pieces by Sung Kug Kim are an artistic and playful take on bike parts.